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연속간행물 / 학술저널 The Journal of Contemporary Korean Studies VOL. 1-1
  • 발행일2015-03-04
  • 발간부서조사연구과
  • 페이지245
  • 저자대한민국역사박물관
  • 원문 다운로드
    역사 박물관 영문저널 VOL.1.pdf [10.04 MB]
    • Publisher’s Note [174.58KB]
    • Editor's Note [177.15KB]
    • Cosmopolitanism, Nationalism, and Transnationalism in Korean History [300.38KB]
    • Development and Directions of Korean Studies in the United States [254.90KB]
    • Korean Studies in the Russia of the Soviet Period [416.17KB]
    • Rethinking and Recasting Korean Social History: Envisioning a Third-Wave Korean Social History Problematic [589.79KB]
    • Korean History and Numbers: How Microdata and Case Studies have Developed the Study of the Korean Land System [1.59MB]
    • Exploring Korea through National Geographic: A Shifting Image and its Significance, from 1890 to 2013 [3.91MB]
    • Central Europe and the Republic of Korea: Politics, Economy, and Perceptions [2.86MB]
    • From Liberation to the Establishment of the Republic of Korea: A Personal Memory [233.12KB]
    • How Will Korean History Studies Overcome the Epigone Age? [214.58KB]
    • Literature and Culture on the Edge [182.24KB]
    • Leeum, Tenth-Year Anniversary Exhibit [352.07KB]
    • The Return of Yi Sun-shin: Mediating the Present and the Past [511.62KB]
    • The Sensation of My Love from the Star: Trends in Romantic Comedy Television Series in Korea [787.81KB]

The Journal of Contemporary Korean Studies (JCKS), published by the National Museum of Korean Contemporary History, is a new international journal created for the purpose of encouraging academic debate on issues related to Korean politics, economy, society, and culture.

We hope that JCKS will inspire new research into Korean society across the academic community and rouse more interest in Korea-related issues among people in general. Going forward, we would like to encourage scholars from around the globe to contribute to this endeavor and help make JCKS essential reading for all those interested in contemporary Korean Studies. 

Journal of Contemporary Korean Studies
Volume 1 Number 1 December 2014


Foreword: KIM Wang-Sik
Editor’s Note: JUN Sang-In

Special Issue: Reflections on Contemporary Korean Studies  

Michael KIM, Cosmopolitanism, Nationalism, and Transnationalism in Korean History

Charles K. ARMSTRONG, Development and Directions of Korean Studies in the United States

Andrei LANKOV, Studies of Korean History and Korean Society in the Russia of the Soviet Period

CHUNG Il-Joon, Rethinking and Recasting Korean Social History: Envisioning the Third Wave Korean Social History Problematic

CHO Seokgon, Korean History and Numbers: How Micro-Data and Case Studies Have Developed Studies on Korean Land System


KIM Young-Hoon, Exploring Korea through National Geographic: Shifting Images and Its Significance, from 1890 to 2013

Tamas MATURA, Central Europe and the Republic of Korea: Politics, Economy and Perceptions           


YOON Hyung-sup, From Liberation to the Establishment of the Republic of Korea: A Personal Memory

Book Reviews

KIM Gi-Bong, How will Korean History Studies Overcome the Epigone Age? Towards a Historiography of Post-colonial Imagination, Yun Hae-dong

RO Sang-ho, Literature and Culture on the Edges_Literature and Film in Cold War South Korea: Freedom's Frontier, Theodre Hughes

Culture Critique

HA Kyehoon, Leeum, Tenth-Year Anniversary Exhibit 

HA Seung-woo, The Return of Yi Sun-shin: Mediating the Present and the Past_Film The Adimiral: Roaming Currents

LEE Yeong-mi, The Sensation of My Love from the Star: Trends in Romantic Comedy Television Series in Korea

▲ 이전 대한민국역사박물관 이야기(2015.봄호.Vol.07) 2015-04-01
▼ 다음 2013년 대한민국역사박물관 연보 2014-12-26

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