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연속간행물 / 학술저널 The Journal of Contemporary Korean Studies VOL.2-1
  • 발행일2015-10-19
  • 발간부서연구기획과
  • 페이지261
  • 저자대한민국역사박물관
  • 원문 다운로드
    영문저널 vol2 no1 표지-17일.pdf [204.2 KB]
    영문저널 vol2 no1 내지-17일.pdf [5.55 MB]
    • Editor's Note [237.07KB]
    • Surviving the Korean War and Life in Post-War Korea: The Experiences of Two Women from Unrecovered Gyeonggi Province [431.91KB]
    • South Korean Workers and the Middle East Construction Boom in the 1970s [399.76KB]
    • South Korea’s Skilled Workers of the 1970s: Pioneers of Korea’s Industrialization [398.46KB]
    • The Civic Movement in South Korea: Its Growth and Change [481.04KB]
    • North Korea’s New War Cemetery [288.71KB]
    • Women’s Participation in Korea since the Late Nineteenth Century: Dichotomy of Development [416.69KB]
    • From an ODA-dependent Country to a Donor: Korea’s ODA Experience and its Implication for Lao Development [695.27KB]
    • A Short History of the Ups and Downs of Korean Studies in Latin America: Newcomers Meeting the Challenges [353.62KB]
    • In Search of the Right to Think and Speak Freely: Cultural Landscape of Public Sphere in an Era of Transition [303.00KB]
    • The History of the Concept of “The Young”: Targets for Mobilization [262.97KB]
    • Study Peace, not War! [266.94KB]
    • The Prudence of Political Thought: Now Cool, then Hot [280.38KB]
    • Crow’s Eye View: The Korean Peninsula [2.76MB]
    • Gunsan: The Legend of the Community’s Baseball, Masters of the Turnaround Exhibition [611.55KB]
    • A Sympathetic Look at Contemporary Korean History: The Political Sociology of the Film Ode to My Father and its Impact on the Korean Cultural Market [1.38MB]
제4유형:출처표시+상업적 이용금지+변경금지출처표시 | 비상업적 이용가능 | 변형 등 2차적 저작물 작성 금지

This is the second edition of the Journal of Contemporary Korean Studies (JCKS). The journal is published twice annually, making this the edition for the first half of 2015. Our theme for this issue is “Forgotten History, Unheard Voices,” selected because although the breadth and depth of Korean studies research is growing, there remain issues that have yet to receive the attention they deserve. This edition hopes to redress that imbalance.

In this edition we introduce a new section, “Korean Studies Abroad.” This section offers a space for dialogue on Korean studies research in other regions and states beyond the Korean peninsula. In this edition, Professor Min Wonjung of Chile’s Catholic University introduces the contemporary state of Korean studies research in Latin America.

If the inaugural edition of JCKS was published amid trepidation and excitement, then it is from this edition that we have sought to fulfil more thoroughly our role as an academic publication. We hope to receive much thoughtful encouragement and critique going forward.


Journal of Contemporary Korean Studies
Volume 2 Number 1 June 2015



Editor’s Note: JUN Sang-In

Special Issue: Forgotten History, Unheard Voices

YOON Taek-Lim, Surviving the Korean War and Life in Post-War Korea: The Experiences of Two Women from Unrecovered Gyeonggi Province

SHIM Ui-Sup, South Korean Workers and the Middle East Construction Boom in the 1970s

KIM Hyung-A, South Korea’s Skilled Workers of the 1970s: Pioneers of Korea’s Industrialization

KIM Sun-mi, The Civic Movement in South Korea: Its Growth and Change


KWON Heonik, North Korea’s New War Cemetery

Hriday NARAYAN, Women’s Participation in Korea since the Late Nineteenth Century: Dichotomy of Development

LEE Yo-Han, From an ODA-dependent Country to a Donor: Korea’s ODA Experience and its Implication for Lao Development

Korean Studies Abroad

MIN Wonjung, A Short History of the Ups and Downs of Korean Studies in Latin America: Newcomers Meeting the Challenges


KIM Byong-ik, In Search of the Right to Think and Speak Freely: Cultural Landscape of Public Sphere in an Era of Transition

Book Reviews

SEO Ho-Chul, The History of the Concept of “The Young”: Targets for Mobilization (reivew of “The Young”: A Name Called Out by the Modern Age, Lee Ki-hoon)

Hannes B. MOSLER, Study Peace, not War! (review of The Origins of the ‘Panmunjom Regime’: The Korean War and Liberal Peace Projects,
Kim Hak-Jae)

KIM Young-Soo, The Prudence of Political Thought: Now Cool, then Hot (review of Contemporary Korean Political Thought and Park Chung-hee, Kang Jung-In)

Culture Critiques

PARK Carey, Crow’s Eye View: The Korean Peninsula

KIM Eun-Sik, Gunsan: The Legend of the Community’s Baseball, Masters of the Turnaround

CHO Woo-Seok, A Sympathetic Look at Contemporary Korean History: The Political Sociology of the Film Ode to My Father and its Impact on the Korean Cultural Market 

▲ 이전 이승만 일기 2015-11-06
▼ 다음 대한민국역사박물관 이야기 (2015.가을호.Vol.09) 2015-09-17

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